Saturday, November 05, 2022

Mung bean noodles

Mung bean noodles are made from vegetable starch - most commonly mung bean, and less often sweet potato, or pea.

Mung bean noodles are commonly known as “glass noodles” because of their translucent appearance. Semi-translucent when dry, when freshly cooked, glass noodles are truly glass-like and translucent.

These noodles are lower in carbs compared to traditional pasta. Mung beans offer plenty of vitamins and minerals, including protein, zinc, B vitamins, folate and more. The B family of vitamins is essential for the formation and maintenance of cells in the body, especially nerve cells. They are critical nutrients for energy and brain activity, including mood and memory.

Mung bean also is an excellent source of calcium. It contains more pantothenic acid than pasta. Mung bean noodles are best eaten around a tough, glycogen-depletion workout.
Mung bean noodles

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