Pasta Processed from Sprout Damaged Grain
Germination (sprouting) of grain before harvesting can be a problem when rain and cool weather prevent or slow down normal harvesting operations.
Pasta manufacturers are particularly sensitive to using semolina milled from sprouted durum wheat in their pasta processing operations since it can affect end product quality.
Several studies have been conducted of the problems of sprouting terms of pasta quality.
Some general conclusions from those studies indicate that test weight, kernel distribution, protein content, milling performance, pasta color, and cooking quality were not adversely affected by increasing sprout damage.
The only major adverse effect appeared to be higher semolina speck counts and spaghetti shelf stability.
It was noted that sprout damage levels of 4.0% or higher (Falling Numbers of 120 or less) resulted in pasta products having high potential for checking and cracking in storage.
Commercial manufacturers of spaghetti are concerned not only with the problems mentioned above but also with the tendency of spaghetti processed from sprout-damage grain to stretch and fall off the rods during drying.
Because of such concerns a number of US pasta manufacturers will not process pasta form semolina with Falling Numbers less than 300.
Result indicate that pasta can be processed utilizing semolina with Falling Numbers of 250 without any apparent problems, so commercial manufacturer’s use of semolina with values of 350 and higher provided a large margin of safety.
Pasta Processed from Sprout Damaged Grain
The term “Asian (oriental) noodles” is used very broadly to describe mostly noodle-like products produce mainly in Eastern, Southeastern or Pacific Asian countries using common wheat flour, rice (or rice flour) or other starch materials as the main structural ingredient.
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