Protein in Noodle
Wheat flour protein content, as in other wheat-based products, has a major influence on mixing and sheeting properties as well as on noodle appearance surface smoothness, cooking time, fat intake (in instant fried noodles), and textural properties.
Qualitative effects of protein on noodle processing and product quality have received less attention by cereal chemist and are less well known than the role of protein content.
Considering the fact that protein content of wheat largely depends on environmental conditions while protein quality is mostly determined by genotype background and that wheat flour with a narrow range of protein content is used by manufacturers for the production of the specific types of noodles, protein quality is what wheat breeders pay attention to for the development of what gives rose to variations in processing and product quality of noodles.
However, comparatively little is known about the protein quality of wheat desirable for making noodles, nor has a guideline for selecting and developing noodle wheat varies been established.
In addition to protein content, the protein quality of flour, as expressed by sodium dodecyl sulfate sedimentation volume, mixograph subunits score, has a large influence on processing and textural properties of Asian noodle.
The term “Asian (oriental) noodles” is used very broadly to describe mostly noodle-like products produce mainly in Eastern, Southeastern or Pacific Asian countries using common wheat flour, rice (or rice flour) or other starch materials as the main structural ingredient.
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