The term lasagna is applied to one of the earliest Italian pastas. Its form varies, from place to place, and ranges from a square of pasta to a wide noodle.
The word lasagna seems to derive from the Latin lasanum, or ‘kitchen pot’ from the Greek lasanon, meaning ‘tripod’ or ‘kitchen pot.’ Lasanea was probably what was cooked in the pot.
When making lasagna, the squares of pasta are placed in layers in a pan, with a filling in between layers that can contain meat, grated parmigiano reggiano, and béchamel sauce. Lasagna is then covered with sauce, diced mozzarella, and cheese and passed in the oven.
Different versions of this dish are found in many region of Italy.
Lasagna contains protein, vegetable and starch, therefore only need salad or vegetable to be served together on the side, and a light desert.
Lasagna was brought to America by Italian immigrants and every household had its own special lasagna.
When lasagna reached America it became Americanized, much like pizza and American cooks, both home cooks and professional chefs, developed their own recipes, a process that continues today.
What is lasagna?
The term “Asian (oriental) noodles” is used very broadly to describe mostly noodle-like products produce mainly in Eastern, Southeastern or Pacific Asian countries using common wheat flour, rice (or rice flour) or other starch materials as the main structural ingredient.
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