Pasta products like spaghetti and maccheroni usually are processed from coarse semolina milled from durum wheat by extrusion. Durum wheat variety differs from the other wheats in term of having endosperm that does not break into fine flour when milled but into coarse semolina, ideal for pasta making.
Other products that using durum wheat include: couscous, burghul, and several other traditional foods.
High protein semolina from durum wheats will generally yield semolina of uniform particle size with a minimum number of starchy semolina particles, eventually will hydrate evenly during mixing to produce pasta that is strong and elastic.
One of the characteristics of pasta made of durum wheat is when cooked, the pasta will swell and leaving minimal residue in the cooking water, while remaining firm to the point of serving.
Glutenins and gliadin are the most influence type of proteins on the strength and elastic properties of dough. In production of pasta, gluten must be tenacious enough to retain the gelatinized starch granules during pasta cooking.
Durum Wheat For Making Pasta
The term “Asian (oriental) noodles” is used very broadly to describe mostly noodle-like products produce mainly in Eastern, Southeastern or Pacific Asian countries using common wheat flour, rice (or rice flour) or other starch materials as the main structural ingredient.
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