Saturday, July 01, 2023

Kelp noodles

What are kelp noodles? Kelp noodles are a variety of sea vegetable that can be easily consumed in their raw form. They originated in Korea and were created sometime during the 1980s. Previously known as "molded sea tangle," these noodle-like strands primarily consisted of marine algae and band-shaped seaweed.

Made from kelp, a brown seaweed with a neutral taste, kelp noodles have a remarkably low carbohydrate and calorie content. The process of producing kelp noodles involves drying strips of kelp and removing the outer brown-green layer.

Kelp noodles are not only low in calories and carbohydrates but also devoid of fat and sugar. Additionally, they are packed with essential vitamins such as A, B, and C, as well as minerals like magnesium, calcium, zinc, and iron.

Whether softened or consumed uncooked, kelp noodles offer flexibility in texture depending on the desired dish. Due to their virtually flavorless nature, they serve as an excellent substitute for pasta, rice noodles, and cellophane glass noodles.
Kelp noodles

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